Happy Clients
In my work I am blessed to meet so many amazing people and follow their journeys to better health and a more full life with BodyIntuitive or BodyTalk. Here are the stories of some of them from over the years:
"My 3 year old son has always been quite anxious in new situations and around other children in particular. This September he started preschool and has been really struggling with separation anxiety and distress, far beyond what is typical. I recalled a friend mentioning that Britt helped her little girl with anxiety a number of years ago and decided to contact Britt. I was a bit sceptical- we are in Ireland, Britt is in Denmark and she might be able to help my son via a virtual appointment? It sounded unlikely however because of the word of mouth recommendation we decided to give it a try. Britt was very quick to respond to my email and arranged to meet me via zoom the next week. We chatted about the history and presentation of the anxiety and Britt did the session with me when my little boy was at playschool.
Our first session was a month ago and there was a dramatic improvement after 2-3 days. We did a follow up session a week later and shortly afterwards things really improved. He no longer cries going to preschool and is happy whilst in there; the teachers commented that he is like a different child and able to enjoy himself.
We feel that he is now the same happy little boy in preschool that he is at home with us and is able to learn in this new environment. We have also noticed that he is more confident in other situations and around his peers. He is not 100% loving preschool yet but I would say he is 90% of the way there. We still can’t believe he’s experienced such a significant change. Thank you Britt for everything."
-- A.
"Last Spring when various life incidents and emergencies left me exhausted and acupuncture this time no longer helped, a newspaper article led me to Britt. Within a few sessions, my energy started coming back - and I started to feel more whole - and more change than at any time since my twenties. It felt miraculous - like coming freshly alive again."
Ross King, Professor Emeritus
"Hi Britt, it is my 64th birthday and I am writing to tell you that I feel happy on my birthday for the first time in decades - and It is very much connected with my Bodytalk therapy. Of that I am sure."
Zayda, London
"It felt miraculous -
like coming freshly alive again."
"Normally I am sceptical of the alternate healing, but I am never shy of trying things out and this one has really got me thinking: Just before Christmas 2009 Britt was visiting us in Caribbean and we heard about BodyTalk from her. My wife and I had been through a series of failed options to conceive a baby for 5 years (including 4 IVFs in Barbados, Miami and London).
Britt offered a session. What she described was that BodyTalk would "reconnect the wiring of the body's energy system". Simple enough for a layman to understand! My wife had two BodyTalk sessions and I had one.
We returned to the UK in spring after completing our posting in Caribbean. It is now November, we live in Hampshire AND we have a beautiful baby girl born just before Guy Fawkes. If we do the maths it must have been the first ovulation after having had BodyTalk... I am speechless. Thank you, Britt."
"Dearest Britt, Thank you so much the work you did on me. My power and health are better than ever, I feel so excited about my work and life with my daughter. I have not felt this good or focused in years!!! You are a natural intuitive and have a true gift. Thank you dearest Britt"
Sundara, yoga teacher, New York City
"A few days later and my irritable bowel problems had virtually gone and my other pains much reduced"
"I was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago at the age of 38. I sought Britt's help straight away, knowing she had helped a few people close to me already with great results. To start with I needed to find a way to deal with all the emotions cancer brings with it. As the treatment went on it took a greater toll on my body physically; I really believe the Body Talk sessions helped me to deal with all the emotions as well as helping my body deal with all the chemicals that were injected into me. A few times before my chemo I felt really down in the dumps but after the session I felt like a million dollars - full of optimism and energy so I had the energy for family life with four young children. My doctors and other patients commented all the way through my treatment how well I looked and how well I was coping. Thank you, Britt."
"I had for a year or so been tired, listless and devoid of both creative energy as well as the lack of ability to put any of the few thoughts that I had had into action. Life had become muddled and unclear, and my energy was at a low. I did have a few niggling physical ailments such as a bad back, tennis elbow and the like and Britt noted all these at the outset and worked on them as well. Britt's first session seemed to last an age, as she put questions to me while starting the treatment.
During this session, I could almost feel a weight pressing on me and by the end of the session, a lightening of that weight. Within a day or so, I had regained a huge amount of my former energy, was no longer sleepy during the day and up at first light every morning. My mind was clearer, and my actions immediate. The effect was apparently also noticeable to others, who have commented how well I look and seem to be ever since. This is no coincidence.
After three sessions the overall effect has been a clearing of my muddled head and tired body. I am alot happier, eager and clear thinking. The physical ailments have also improved each time they have been worked on. I'd say that my mind and body needed to be realigned, to have a spring-clean, and to be given the chance to work naturally, burden-free. I felt that Britt did exactly that; the benefits are immense and make for a happier life."
Tim House
"My 7 months old son suffered from constipation, but after just one session with Britt it cleared - in fact there were two dirty nappies within a few hours! Since then his digestion has been working well. It is a great treatment for babies as it is so gentle and can give you a sense of what is going on with them. I highly recommend Britt as a practitioner. I'm going to come back when other health issues arise in the family."
Birgitte, journalist and mother of two
"Three years ago I woke up with half of my face partly paralysed and even though I retrained most of the muscles I constantly got ill with tonsillitis, pneumonia, ear infections - yep, had it all. The last year I was constantly ill, I was always tired and couldn't sleep properly. The doctors said that there was nothing wrong with me, but my usual 100 hour work week was reduced to a tiny bit of work here and there.
After the first session with Britt I already felt a difference. I had more energy and got things done. I had four sessions in total and I am now really well - even my tennis elbow which has given me grief for twenty years is now fine. I'm definitely going to have more sessions to maintain my health.
I'm not normally into "alternative things", but there is definitely something about the things that come up in the sessions, and most of all I can see that it works. It has now been two months since my first session and I am back in full swing. I choose not to work quite as much as before I got ill, but I run 3K every other day."
Ebbe, fisherman and bus driver
"Being a medical doctor and having specialised in Psychiatry, I could relate well.."
"I have not felt this good or focused in years!!!"
"I'm writing to you as our two year-old daughter has started to faint when she has tantrums. It has happened four times in the last two weeks. Our GP says that it is "normal" and that she will grow out of it, but it is very disturbing to experience - she stops breathing, turns blue in the face and then gets all floppy...."
"It is now three months since Luna had one distance session, and there has not been any incident of fainting since, which we are very happy about. She has been much calmer and more balanced generally. It is hard to describe but it is very noticeable for us as her parents."
Anne Henriksen, Denmark
"Thank you for the wonderfully inspiring weekend! I enjoyed every minute of it. I have been practising the magic ten and the cortices daily. I have also been performing the cortices on my children! They quite like it!
Being a medical doctor and having specialised in Psychiatry, I could relate well to the anatomical and functional aspects of the body and mind in both BodyTalk Access and Yoga. I certainly have benefitted from the course! I enjoyed the lovely food and thanks to Sophie [the cook]."
Geetha Devi, MD.
"The results were so effective I could scarcely believe it."
"I had been suffering from irritable bowel problems for years and years along with piercing upper back pains, suspected IT band issues, a dodgy knee (cartilage) and feeling generally stressed out - partially because of these ailments and partly because of a stressful job.
While I wouldn't say that I felt any difference during my first session (except some interesting stomach gurgling!), I did start to feel some improvements after a few days. I returned two weeks later - still not sure if these improvements were really a direct of Britt's treatment or just a coincidence.
A few days later and my irritable bowel problems had virtually gone and my other pains much reduced. I have now had 7 sessions and feel significantly less stressed about everything, virtually no irritable bowel problems, IT band pains disappeared, upper back pains subsided and even my knee which is due to be operated on later this year has improved to such an extent that I am considering whether or not to go ahead with the operation.
I am not sure that I really understand how BodyTalk works - except that it does work!"
"I initially had Britt use BodyTalk to help me with my difficulties adjusting to life in London. She is personable and caring, and I was comfortable working with her right away. Before long, we were tailoring my BodyTalk sessions towards new aspirations-managing the creative demands of a career change and easing hesitations over starting a family. I usually leave our sessions with a focus on the root causes of my worries, and with the tools to help me work things out. For anyone thinking of trying BodyTalk, I recommend Britt."
"..an invaluable part of my and my children's journey to better health!"
"I had always wondered about my gender, being externally very male but inside only feeling peaceful and at home when dressed as a woman -and with women. I was a classic, intensely private, closet, occasional cross-dresser. Somehow Britt's simple tapping exercises brought me together - with a sense of positive internal change, healing and excitement. I found myself being more aware of the co-existence of myself as a male and someone having a strong female component - and all in a positive, healthy process of change.
After seeing Britt I had a transformational waking experience, recognising that I was a woman and had always been. I had circled around this rather central thing all my life and not looked at it. There was ecstasy, peace and a feeling of coming home. I have since come out to my GP, been diagnosed with gender dysphoria and will soon start a process at Charing Cross Hospital to either accommodate and continue to live as a man or begin the journey of transition to living as a woman. I continue to be grateful to Britt and see her as a source of support for health and healing in future."
Anonymous, aged 58
"Three years after selling my business I was still exhausted, burnt out and depressed. Despite plenty of time off I remained tired - my battery never seemed to recharge. My brain was foggy, my wires seemed crossed and I could not concentrate or complete the simplest of tasks. It was so frustrating and I hardly recognised the person I used to be. The energy and drive which had enabled me to build a successful business had totally evaporated. I felt like an outsider, a spectator, totally disconnected to the past or present and I felt paralysed by anxiety.
Then my wife booked an appointment for me to see Britt. The first session was pleasant and I was relieved that I didn't have to talk too much as I had enough of talking about my situation. Indeed I think a feel asleep while Britt listened to what my body had to say!
After the second session the transformation was remarkable. For the first time in years my head was clear. I was cracking through projects and seemed to rediscover my energy and positive outlook. I only wish I had discovered Britt sooner and will certainly be going regularly to ensure I don't fall into such a rut again."
Many thanks, David
"I arrived to my first BodyTalk session physically enervated and emotionally overwhelmed, feeling that I was reacting to life rather than living it. I cannot say that I really understand how the treatment works, but over the subsequent weeks, Britt’s patient sessions brought out substantial transformation from within me. The results were so effective I could scarcely believe it – I began to feel more active, positive, balanced and energetic. Unexpected, unfathomable, incredible – BodyTalk and the Tap-Tap Company have been more effective that I ever dared to hope."
Darren, London
"..we now have a beautiful baby girl."
"With a little physical and emotional explorative work at the beginning of my sessions with Britt, and then a fantastic treatment after that, I now have much more energy and better health in general, as well as feeling a wonderful sense of wellness.
Britt also seems to have achieved very good results with my children, for instance my daughter's night terrors, which were so frequent before Britt worked on her, have now completely stopped.
Thank you Britt for being an invaluable part of my and my children's journey to better health!"
"With simple movements - gentle taps on the head and chest - you can cure dizziness and eye sight issues. If someone had told me I would probably have been sceptic. But now I have tried and it works!! The dizziness has gone and my eyes are much better.
Thanks so much for good treatment, Britt."
Eva, reflexologist
"I love Bodytalk! It helped erase my childhood traumas and has given rise to completely new sides of me, which have increased my quality of life. Not to mention that BodyTalk identified my food allergies and removed these, as well as removed my phobia against driving a car - something that has been a huge issue for me for years. I am very grateful to Britt Jorgensen and BodyTalk."
Lilian Toft Jensen, retired