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Frequently Asked Questions

What can BodyIntuitive help with?

BodyIntuitive works on all levels, therefore it can help with physical pain and healing of injuries, clearing of toxins, bacteria, intolerances and allergies; emotional problems such as processing grief, worry, anger, sadness and fears; psychological problems like eating disorders, OCD, depression and phobias.



What happens during a session?

We will start with a discussion about your symptoms, current situation and health history. As we start the treatment you will remain fully clothed, and lie down on your back (or sit if preferred). While you relax I will communicate with your body by gently using your hand for muscle feedback. That will allow me to locate the imbalances which are a priority for you right now. Then, through a number of techniques which involve holding and light tapping, we help your body restore communication within itself. The length of the session is also guided by your body, and there is no correlation between the length of the session and it's effectiveness. 



How does it work with babies and young children?

When working with babies I either user the parent or carer as a surrogate for the muscle feedback, or I use my own hand depending on the situation. The baby/child does not have to lie still for the duration of the session, I'll just work around the playing child, sleeping baby etc. Call me in advance if you want to discuss this further. I ask that the parent bring in toys or book to keep the child engaged during the session.



How many sessions will I need?

It varies - everybody is different. It does happen that symptoms are gone after one session, but usually more are required. As a guideline most people see improvements in their symptoms after two to three sessions. The number of sessions also depends on what people's expectations and standards are regarding their health. BodyIntuitive is also a fantastic health maintenance tool for people who believe in prevention and want to make an effort to maintain their health (in which case the sessions would become less frequent - every 4-6 weeks).



Does it work straight away?

Sometimes a problem can be addressed straight away but not if, in doing so, it would upset the balance of the body and create more problems. Other priorities may need to be addressed first. When we look at the tip of an iceberg, we only see 10 percent while 90 percent remains submerged and out of sight. In order to get to the 10 percent that manifests itself as symptoms in our body we may have to address some of the underlying 90 percent first. This will prepare the body to deal with the symptoms in a way that respect its balance and create lasting results.



Do I need to rest after a session?

After each session, your body will be processing information and it is therefore wise to allow it time to adjust by taking it easy and not overtaxing the body. Some people get tired after a session, and others get an energy boost. In case you get tired it is best to listen to the body and rest.



Which changes will I notice?

Changes can be subtle; you may feel just slightly different, lighter or more relaxed, and perhaps later realise that you are reacting differently in a situation. Or improvements may be very clear; pains, discomforts or anxieties may disappear straight away or the next day.



How do I know it has worked?

During a session you may have a recollection of something that happened in the past; you may feel temporary emotions; there may be tingling or other sensations in various parts of your body. After a session you may feel light-headed temporarily, clearer in your thinking or simply tired. Rarely, you may not feel anything, but this does not mean that it has not worked - it can be very subtle and unfold over the following few days.



Can I do anything at home in between the sessions?

Every now and again I give clients some homework between the sessions usually in the form of simple stimulation of acupuncture points. This can help the healing process greatly. 



Can my problems get solved in one session?

It can, if the body is ready to deal with it straight away. However usually more than one session is required. BodyIntuitive is about addressing and removing the root of the problem, not just the symptom; and most often there are underlying problems that the body needs to deal with first. The order of addressing things matter in order not to upset the balance of the body, and your body will guide us in this. Results come in their own time.



Does it work for everyone?

Everyone can benefit from having a BodyIntuitive session. BodyIntuitive has the potential to improve most conditions, but it doesn't mean that it will work for everyone on everything. There could be several reasons that the body "wants" to hold on to symptoms.



Will it affect my medication?

BodyIntuitive works alongside other treatments including conventional Western medicine, and it is fine to get BodyIntuitive sessions whilst on medication. However as the body becomes more balanced and efficient through sessions, you may be able to reduce your intake of medication. This should only happen in consultation with your doctor. Always let me know at the beginning of a session if you are taking any medication or receiving other medical treatment.



What if I have to cancel?

Please let me know as soon as possible if you need to change or cancel an appointment. A full fee is charged for cancellations with less than 24 hours notice.



I'd like to learn more, what options are there?

You can start by taking the self-care level class of BodyIntutive called Elemental Reset. In this short 3-hour course you learn six techniques you can use at home for yourself or your family and friends or with clients. Five of the techniques are to balance the five elements and the last one is an amazing stress reduction technique. 

The first class of the professional level is BodyIntuitive FOCUS



How do I register for BodyIntuitive classes?

You can register online>>. 



Get in touch if you have more questions >>


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