You deserve to be all you can be.
What is BodyIntuitive?
BodyIntuitive is innovative healthcare that creates profound and long-lasting positive effects for the client's health and wellbeing. It has one foot solidly in new scientific research findings and the other foot solidly in the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine, and the two a bound together by working intuitively and very targeted.
Each health issue and symptom has a history, a story... a WHY? This WHY is the myriad of causative layers behind your hip pain, anxiety attacks, food intolerances or autoimmune condition. For true and long-lasting healing, it’s essential that the detailed story behind the symptoms is observed and resolved. BodyIntutive is about listening to the WHY, and it is hugely fascinating to see what the body has to say, and once observed body's systems can resynchronise and go back to operate as nature intended.

Who can benefit from BodyIntuitive?
Everyone can benefit from BodyIntuitive, and it can be used as general health maintenance or to improve conditions either alongside other treatments or as stand-alone. Conditions that I have solid experience with and include:
Trauma - Chronic Pain - Auto-immune conditions - Allergies - Digestive disorders - Back pain - Headaches/migraines - Learning and concentration disorders - Sports and other injuries - Stress - Hormonal disorders - Emotional disturbances - Pre-natal issues - Depression - Fears, anxiety and phobias - Infections - Before and after surgery - Covid (acute and long)
Because of its non-invasive nature it is very suitable for infants, and I am constantly amazed by the results with children and babies. Whether it's for general health maintenance which can assist a little person adjust to life, improve learning abilities and brain functionality, deal with concepts of separation or control, or for combating specific symptoms for babies and children such as:
Allergies - Colic - Asthma - Eczema - Digestive disorders - Cough/cold/fever - Learning and concentrations disorders - Autism - Side effects from vaccinations.
A session takes approximately 45 minutes. It is completely safe, non-invasive and very relaxing. The number of sessions needed varies, but most people experience significant improvements after the first two to three sessions.
BodyIntuitive is the brainchild and hard labour of my two mentors Dr. Laura Stuvé and Dr. Janet Galipo:
Dr. Laura Stuvé is a PhD molecular biologist, researcher, sought-after practitioner and instructor of science-based, intuitive medicine. Her academic background includes a PhD at UCSF in biochemistry, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford working on the pioneering Human Genome Project. From there, she went on to become Senior Director of Research and Development at two California biotech companies, working on identifying genes involved in chronic disease. Laura spent 26 years in basic research in human molecular genetics in academia and the biotechnology industry before shifting her focus full-time to teaching, practicing and researching mind-body medicine in 2008.
Dr. Janet Galipo is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine who has been in private practice since 1993. Her areas of study and expertise include acupuncture, homeopathy, nutrition, and both Chinese and Western herbal medicine, Taoist, Chinese and Tibetan medicine. Since 2000, Dr. Galipo has travelled the globe as an advanced instructor and ambassador of leading-edge, mind-body energy medicine.
Janet has developed several holistic healthcare training programs, and is the President of Be Healthy Inc., a not-for-profit organisation supporting worldwide programs in holistic medicine in the U.S., Brazil, the Philippines, Mexico, Peru, South Africa and Nepal.